Programmes Director at Amnesty International

Programmes Director at Amnesty International

Amnesty International is a global movement of more than 7 million people who campaign for a world where human rights are enjoyed by all. We reach almost every country in the world and have: more than 2 million members and supporters who drive forward our fight for rights, more than 5 million activists who strengthen our calls for justice.

We are recruiting to fill the vacant position below:

Job Title: Programmes Director
Location: Abuja
Directorate: Amnesty International National Office
Type: Fixed Term Contract
Working Hours: 35 

Job Summary
  • To provide strategic leadership and vision for Amnesty Nigeria’s research, campaigns, advocacy and media activities centred on human rights work in Nigeria.
  • To develop an integrated strategy on the country’s human rights agenda, overseeing its application, and ensuring consistency between AI’s policies and strategies for work in Nigeria with those in other global regions.
Amnesty Nigeria Purpose:
  • Amnesty International Nigeria mission is to build an inclusive and constructive constituency in Nigeria for Nigeria on Nigeria that has a significant impact on the key human rights issues of contemporary Nigeria; and to build a culture of respect for human rights in Nigeria.
Amnesty International Purpose:
  • Amnesty International operates from a number of sites around the world and gathers and communicates accurate and action-oriented human rights information globally.
  • We campaign for meaningful human rights change; enable effective human rights activism and work to persuade governments and other actors to uphold universal human rights standards. 
  • We campaign for meaningful human rights change; enable effective human rights activism and work to persuade governments and other actors to uphold universal rights standards.
Job Purpose
  • Supports the Director in the management of the office and strategic allocation of resources.
  • Contributes to the implementation of the operational plans for the Nigeria National Office.
  • Assists in the management of staff and financial resources and ensures integrated working of a multi-functional office.
  • Ensures the application of AI standards of work in areas of responsibility, including on research strategy and methodology, campaigning activities, publications and the media.
  • Represents AI, in the field and elsewhere, including with government officials and to the media.
Working Relationships:Reporting to: Amnesty International Nigeria Director

Posts that this job manages:  
  • Programmes staff, researchers, campaigners, media manager and consultants (as appropriate).
Other key relationships: 
  • West Africa Regional Office programme staff and Africa Research and Advocacy Director. Other relationships will include Section Directors, Regional Office Directors, other National Office Directors and Programmes managers;
  • Key human rights actors outside Amnesty International, e.g. within the NGO community and academia.
Main Responsibilities
  • As a key member of the management team, contribute to the development of an effective strategic plan to deliver Amnesty Nigeria’s vision that is aligned with AI’s Strategic Goals and which inspires and motivates internal and external stakeholders.
  • Provide sound and timely advice on political, civil society, human rights, emerging issues and other relevant developments in the country and region, and undertake/lead fieldwork in order to ensure informed direction and risk management of Amnesty’s work in Nigeria.
  • Manage staff and other resources to ensure their most effective use, in line with agreed priorities and policies.
  • Promote an organizational culture of integration across programmes and manage the effective coordination with relevant staff from the International Secretariat, global thematic teams and other offices in order to identify and exploit opportunities for cocreation, co-operation, collaboration, information-sharing and problem solving.
  • Deputize where required for the Director who represents Amnesty International in Nigeria to the public, government and business leaders, IGOs, media, current and potential donors, partner NGOs and CBOs, and rights-holders and promotes strategic collaboration and partnerships with relevant stakeholders.
  • Manage the development and implementation of human rights research and advocacy action plans on Nigeria, in line with globally agreed priorities and strategies.
  • Oversee quality assurance for all related outputs at country level and review research plans, mission proposals and advocacy action plans, working closely with originators to ensure that  research strategy is sound and focused, key methodology, legal and policy issues are addressed, and that the evidence, analysis and conclusions make a compelling case for change.
  • Ensure compliance with globally developed quality assurance and impact assessment methodologies to ensure that activities meet the organizational standards of timeliness, accuracy, consistency, balance, independence and impartiality.
  • Provides sustained and embedded support to all Amnesty Nigeria researchers and campaigner through mentoring, training and facilitating trainings on Amnesty’s research standards, embedding transfer of skills, knowledge and networks. Monitors the implementation of these standards and adopts strategies for achieving adherence where gaps are identified.
  • Ensure integration of research and action in order to provide an effective, coherent programme of work which delivers tangible outcomes for human rights in conformity with Amnesty’s mission and consistent with its priorities, strategies and standards.
  • Develop and implement an evaluation model of projects and campaigns.
  • Oversee quality assurance for all research, campaign and advocacy outputs at country level and review research plans and mission proposals.
  • Ensure the identification and sharing of best practice models and timely reporting against key performance indicators of the entity that measure human rights impact in Nigeria. Ensure that the team report with sufficient clarity and detail on the impact of their work, including to funders.
  • Work closely with the Finance and Office Manager in budget setting, monitoring, managing and reporting on budget and expenditure for the work undertaken by their team
  • Manages risk assessments and oversee the implementation of security procedures for their teams undertaking missions and travel and other instances of high risk
Skills, Attributes And Experience
  • A bachelor’s degree in social sciences, international relations, law or related disciplines. A master’s is highly preferred. A specialisation in human rights would definitely be an advantage;
  • First-hand expert knowledge of, and ability to analyse, political, civil society and human rights issues in Nigeria;
  • At least 8 years’ experience working in the field of human rights and development with at least 3 of these at a senior management level;
  • Demonstrated knowledge and direct experience of the human rights and political context in Nigeria and an expertise in international human rights legal framework, and relevant regional and national legal frameworks;
  • In-depth experience of research for advocacy purposes, including field research, and a demonstrated ability to assess human rights research, presenting findings, identifying advocacy targets, and applying research-based analysis to campaigning for human rights change;
  • Knowledge and experience of field security issues and the ability to manage them appropriately;
  •  Ability to represent Amnesty in difficult and high-profile environments;
  • Proven ability to develop strategies and plans and review them and adapt them as required, exercising and promoting creative thinking;
  • Experience of working in a team and understanding of the importance of efficient communications for the coordination and effective functioning of teams; Ability to inspire and motivate a wide range of people;
  • Demonstrated ability to understand and align strategic thinking with operational delivery/Strategic thinker with a developed capacity to build and convey the “big picture” while enabling others to identify the implications of this for their daily work;
  • Ability to identify opportunities and threats and to recommend appropriate mitigating action; Ability to make appropriate recommendations in relation to an organization’s interests and priorities;
  • Excellent political judgement and the ability to spot both risks and opportunities;
  • Understands and has demonstrated managerial level responsibility;
  • Demonstrated willingness to be accountable and to receive and give performance related feedback
  • Proven ability to lead and manage staff and financial resources including setting, managing and monitoring plans and budgets for their team;
  • Experience of working under pressure, managing conflicting demands, meeting deadlines and adjusting priorities to achieve results;
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills in English and other relevant local languages or additional foreign languages desirable;
  • Well-developed communication, presentation, spokesperson, advocacy and representational skills appropriate for diverse audiences and the media, including the ability to make and win arguments;
  • Able to work in a manner that is consistent with the organisation’s core behaviours and competencies; 
  • Leads by example and possesses a high degree of integrity;
  • Possess a high level of resilience, initiative and drive, able to be flexible and change orientation as required;
  • Challenges and confronts conflict, brokering solutions in order to achieve goals;
  • Uses new approaches, theory and technologies to develop innovative service solutions;
  • Ability to engage and influence, utilizing a challenging but respectful approach;
Equality Statement:
  • Equality and diversity is at the core of our values and staff are expected to work collectively and individually to promote a constructive and sensitive approach to others from a variety of backgrounds, where the work of others is valued and respected.
Conflict of Interest:
  • Public or other activity, affiliation to or support for any group or organization, personal association or other factor which may generate a real or perceived conflict of interest with Amnesty International’s principles (specifically independence and impartiality), or raise a security concern, or otherwise prevent the candidate from carrying out key functions of the specific post and would therefore disqualify the candidate from being appointed.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should:
Click here to apply online

Click Here for more Information - PDF

Application Closing Date: 27th November, 2017.


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