International Consultant (Information Management for Child Protection) at UNICEF Nigeria

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - In September 2014 UNICEF began implementing a joint programme with UN Women on Women, Peace and Security (WPS) funded by the European Union (EU). The programme will support the Nigerian Government (Federal level), three Northern Nigerian States namely Adamawa, Gombe and Plateau and selected Local Government Areas (LGAs) to strengthen women’s leadership, advance gender equality and improve protection for women and children in conflict settings.

We are recruiting to fill the position below:

Job Title: International Consultant on Information Management for Child Protection, (P-2) level

Job Number: 507740
Location: Abuja, with at least 20% travel to the field
Estimated time of this position: 5 months
Work Type : Consultancy

Purpose of Assignment
  • The purpose of the consultancy is to continue to support the establishment and management of the  Child Protection Information Management  System, in order to support the scale up of Child Protection prevention and response services in both development and emergency settings through optimal use and analysis of available data, including sensitive areas such as Monitoring and Reporting Mechanisms (MRM), operationalize the Child Protection Information Management System (CPIMS) for emergency and development states, while supporting other areas such as the national campaign on ending Violence Against Children.
Major Tasks to be accomplished: Support Federal and State Ministries to strengthen CPIMS unit (training of data clerks) and scale up case management practices on child protection issues, including a Child Protection Information Management System, in close collaboration with the team working on Gender-Based Violence Information Management System and in cooperation with relevant partners. Provide training to child protection actors on child protection information management:
  • Support the institutional capacity assessment of the MWASD at Federal level and 5 states (Gombe, Plateau, Borno, Adamawa and Yobe)
  • Design the strategy for the institutional capacity development of the MWASDs.
  • Support the scale up of child protection prevention and response services in both development and emergency settings through optimal use and analysis of available data on the national campaign on ending violence against children (VAC).
  • Work with regional and global teams to adopt a modern tool (e.g.  Primero [Protection-related Information Management]) primarily for case management documentation with a focus on mobile interface for reunification of unaccompanied children identified through social/case worker networks.
  • Assist in preparations of a Humanitarian Need Overview (HNO) as well as Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) processes and adopt possible new incorporation into child protection in emergencies, maintaining a robust Child Protection database that consolidates, analyses, reports and disseminates information critical to decision making in UNICEF and the wider Child Protection Sub-Working Group. Produce monthly updates on child protection needs and responses for inclusion in situation reports, child protection dashboard, and for use by different audiences.
  • Support the implementation of the SCR 1612 Monitoring and Reporting Mechanism on grave violations against children in Nigeria, through further developing and operationalizing the Nigeria MRMIMS+ on data repository tracking incidents of violations against children through media mining and other alerts and updating the Nigeria MRM data repository on a daily basis. Enhance the capabilities of MRMIMS+ database (e.g. online database) and extend training of relevant partners on reporting, data inputting and use of MRM tool.
  • Expand the search on media mining and produce monthly fact sheets on significant violations for Nigeria and neighboring countries of Cameroon, Chad and Niger, including killing and maiming, with a focus on human bomb attacks; abduction and other significant violations. Produce quarterly trends analysis on grave violations of children’s rights, based on data included in the Nigeria MRM data repository, in preparation of the Nigeria MRM regular reporting to the Office of the Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict; package information on grave violations of children’s rights for dissemination among different audiences, as appropriate, including visual representations of trends.
Expected Deliverables:
  • Assist in the successful operationalization of CPIMS Unit at federal and state level (Adamawa, Borno, Yobe, Gombe, Yobe, Cross-River and Lagos)
  • Training of users on CPIMS database at federal and State level (Adamawa, Borno, Yobe, Gombe, Yobe, Cross-River and Lagos), assist the team in preparing analyses and  fact sheet on children caseload identified as risk children, unaccompanied children and separated children.
  • Produce comprehensive report of the institutional capacity assessment of the MWASDs.
  • Development of strategy for the institutional capacity development of the MWASD (with timeline, activities and budgetary requirements).
  • Assist in preparing analysis for child protection response in country to produce monthly fact sheet/dashboard on consolidated child protection response (UNICEF lead) in both development and emergency setting with focus on newly liberated areas of Borno State, further assist in streamlining the child protection supplies for development and northeast.
  • Tracking of incidents on grave violations of children’s rights reported in northeast states through media mining and other alerts, and entered into data repository for Nigeria Monitoring and Reporting Mechanism (MRM) on grave violations of children’s rights (daily)
  • Quarterly and monthly trends analysis of grave violations of children’s rights in relation to the conflict in North-East Nigeria prepared and prepare fact sheet prepare on significant children grave violation.
  • Assist in operationalization of MRMIMS+ in country
Qualification/Specialized Knowledge/Experience
  • Advanced university degree in Information Management or relevant field.
  • A minimum of 2 years of experience with UNICEF child protection information management primarily in emergency setting and supporting development programmes.
  • Experience with information management for child protection programming, and/or human rights documentation desirable.
  • Proven technical expertise in managing data and information cycle: from data collection, storage, and analysis for diverse datasets, as well as presenting information in understandable, effective and visually appealing tables, charts, graphs, maps, visuals and reports (including snapshots, dashboard, W analysis, gap analysis, etc.)
  • Understanding of how to manage and maintain websites and content management systems. Proven skills in using GIS and map-making packages, and in web design and software development desirable
  • Knowledge of UNICEF’s core commitments to children in development and humanitarian action as well as the humanitarian cluster approach, particularly the child protection working group (sub-cluster), gender-based violence area of responsibility, and protection cluster
  • Experience of developing information management systems, producing data analysis on ending violence against children  and designing and delivering training
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, and proven success in facilitating interagency processes to achieve a common goal
  • Fluency in English (verbal and written)

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should:
Click here to apply online

  • Please indicate your ability, availability and daily/monthly rate (in US$) to undertake the terms of reference above (including travel and daily subsistence allowance, if applicable). 
  • Applications submitted without a daily/monthly rate will not be considered.

Application Closing Date: 16th October, 2017.


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